Alison Yin Photography

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Featured: Cake and Pictures!

I had a lovely surprise when I opened my inbox this morning:  a sweet email from the good people at Cake and Pictures notifying me that they've featured Marika and Felix's wedding on their blog, the Pantry! Cake and Pictures is an exclusive international directory of wedding photographers that I was recently invited to join.  For those in the editorial world, they're the brainchild of the same people who started Wonderful Machine.  I'm so excited to be part of their community, and, attention brides, The Pantry is a fabulous resource to help with wedding planning!  So go check it out and bookmark that page! OK, here is a sneak peak at Marika and Felix's feature:

Yesterday, they did a great post about photo booths that I was also a part of.  Hot damn!  Back to back features.

And here's one last little feature: